
KSCE 2022 CONVENTION on the 19th of the Korean Civil En


KCMT is the Korean Society of Civil Engineering and Construction's "KSCE 2022 CONVENTION".

I will attend the Busan Port International Exhibition and Convention Center (BPEX) for three days from the 19th.


The 2022 Convention, which marks its 48th anniversary this year, is hosted by the Korean Civil Engineering Association to share discussions and experiences based on data studied by civil engineers.


More than 900 academic presentations and 80 booths will be exhibited at the convention.

CSCE (Canada), ECCE (European Union), HAKI (Indonesia), HKIE (Hong Kong), ICE (UK), IEB (Bangladesh), JSCE (Japan), MACE (Mongolia), etc.

About 2,500 people, including overseas societies, will participate.


I look forward to your kind attention.